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How To Get Rid Of Cystic Acne Overnight At Home

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Difference Between  Acne, Blackheads, Pimples and Dark spots

Acne, blackheads, pimples, dark spots are the bitter truth of our lives. We all have to deal with these problems. There are many different reasons which cause acne to occur. All the more important is which grade of acne you have! Grade one and two acne is easy to be treated that of grade four and five. This article will help you understand what these problems are, how do they occur, why do they occur, their effects, symptoms, treatments and a lot more. Treat yourself properly before things get worse. Your health is our concern!

Acne is a typical issue portrayed by clogged/obstructed pores and pimples in the skin.

Blackheads are tiny bumps that show up on your skin because of clogging up of hair follicles. These bumps are called “blackheads” in light of the fact that the surface looks dim or dark. Blackheads are a mellow sort of acne/skin break out that normally structures on the face, yet they can likewise show up on the back, neck, chest, shoulders and arms.

A pimple is a kind of skin sore brought about by aggravated and/or hindered pores. The most widely recognized reason for pimples is skin inflammation (acne); however different reasons, for example, small pox, exist.

Hyper pigmentation or dark spots are a typical skin sickness that can create around the age of 25. They can shift from light tan to red to even an unattractive blackish shade.

What is acne?

The acne word originates from the expression ‘acme’ signifying “the highest point,” which originates from the Greek ‘akme’ meaning “spot” or “point” – it was initially incorrectly spelled, with a “n” as opposed to a “m” in 1835.

Acne is a skin condition portrayed by red pimples on the skin, particularly on the face, because of aggravated or contaminated sebaceous glands, usually found among teenagers.

Acne is medically known as Acne Vulgaris. It is a skin infection that includes the oil glands at the base of hair follicles. It normally happens amid adolescence (puberty) when the sebaceous (oil) glands become active, the glands are invigorated by male hormones delivered by the adrenal glands of both females and males.

Acne is not dangerous, yet can leave skin scars. Human skin has pores (which are tiny holes) which associate with oil glands found under the skin. The glands are joined with the pores through follicles –small canals. These glands then produce Sebum, which is an oily liquid. The sebum brings dead skin cells through the follicles to the surface of the skin. A small hair then grows through the follicle, out of the skin. Pimples develop when these follicles get blocked, bringing about a collection of oil under the skin.

Acne signs and side effects fluctuate relying upon the seriousness of your condition:

Whiteheads (closed plugged pores)

Blackheads (open plugged pores, the oil turns tan when it is presented to air)

Tiny red, tender bumps (papules)

Pimples (pustules), which are papules containing pus at their tips

Solid, large, painful lumps underneath the surface of the skin (nodules)

Pus-filled, painful lumps underneath the surface of the skin (cystic lsesions)

Causes of Acne:

There are four main factors which cause acne:
Oil production
Clogged pores
Dead skin cells
The acne can be aggravated by:

Certain medications:  drugs that contain lithium, corticosteroids and androgens can worsen the acne.

Stress: can make acne worse.

Hormones: Androgens are hormones which increase in young girls and boys amid pubescence and cause sebaceous glands to develop and make more sebum. Hormonal changes identified with pregnancy and the utilization of oral contraceptives additionally can influence sebum creation. Also low amount of androgens circulate in the blood of females and can make acne worse.

Diet:  Studies demonstrate that certain dietary components, including dairy items and sugar rich foods, for example, chips, bagels and bread, may trigger the acne. Chocolate has long been associated with aggravating skin inflammation.

 How To Get Rid Of Cystic Acne Overnight

Types of Acne:

Acne is arranged into two fundamental groups: Non-inflammatory acne which is also called comedones. It incorporates whiteheads and blackheads. The other is inflammatory acne, which includes nodules, cysts, papules and pustules, results from the body’s battle to contain an infection. The discernible distinction is that non-inflammatory acne is not painful and red, because the body has not yet responded to a contamination/infection with the infection-fighting white platelets/cells. Inflammatory acne is the opposite. Deep, red, swollen and painful, it hurts on numerous levels. It can keep going for quite a long time to months and leave temporary dark spots and seldom, lasting scars, so it’s very important to treat it early.

Dermatologists usually classify acne is four different grades. In order to treat acne, it’s important to know what grade it is as every grade has a different method of treatment.

  • Grade one acne, is the mildest form. Minor pimples might appear on the skin occasionally which are small in size and numbers (might be one or two). Milia and blackheads are likely to be found, at time in large numbers but of grade one acne, there is no inflammation.

Grade I acne is usually seen in early adolescence, near nose and/or forehead area. Milia are commonly found in the eye area and chin.

This acne can be treated at home using salicylic acid. The results are quickly visible.

If grade one acne is not properly treated it can lead to grade two acne.

  • Grade II is viewed as moderate acne. Milia and blackheads will be found in greater numbers. You will begin seeing more papules and pustules will form in this stage. They will show up with more prominent recurrence, and general breakout movement will be more self-evident. Slight inflammation of skin becomes apparent.

In this stage acne is progresses from the nose and forehead to other areas of the face. Acne may also start to affect the shoulders and chest with infrequent breakouts on the back, particularly in males. Adult women may discover more prominent breakout action in the cheeks, jaw line area and chin, particularly just before and amid the menstrual cycle.

This acne can also be treated at home using salicylic acid and benzoyl lotion daily, to help in killing the bacteria which causes inflamed breakouts. If after several weeks of this treatment the acne does not improve significantly, you need to visit a dermatologist.

  • Grade III acne is considered as severe. The skin is now reddened and more inflamed. Papules and pustules develop in greater number and nodules are present. This grade involves body areas like shoulders, neck, upper back, chest and the face. Scars are likely to develop more due to the spread and deepening of infection. This acne cannot be treated at home and requires the assistance of a dermatologist.
  • Grade IV acne is the most serious one. It is referred to as cystic acne or nodulocystic. Papules, pustules, nodules and cysts will appear on the skin. There is a maintained measure of inflammation and breakouts are serious. Cystic skin inflammation is a lot painful.

Acne of this seriousness typically develops past the face, and may influence the whole back, chest area, shoulders, and also upper arms. The infection is widespread and deep. Almost all cystic acne patients develop scarring.

This acne is can only be treated by a dermatologist. It is hard to control and requires strong medication and topical treatments.

Impact of acne:

Acne affects a person psychologically/emotionally and socially.

Psychosocial impact of acne:


  • Some kids with skin break out decline to go school, prompting poor scholarly execution.
  • Some individuals with skin inflammation take wiped out days from work, taking a chance with their livelihood and jobs.
  • Lack of confidence due to acne can make the patients less successful.

Body image and self esteem

  • Some acne patients avoid eye contact with people.
  • Some acne sufferers grow their hair long in order to cover their face. Young ladies have a tendency to wear overwhelming make-up to mask the pimples, despite the fact that they realize that this occasionally aggravates skin break out. Young men frequently remark: “Skin break out is not such an issue for young ladies on the grounds that they can wear make-up”.
  • Truncal pimple inflamation can decrease interest in game, for example, swimming or rugby due to the need to uncover in broad daylight changing rooms.

Relationship building/Social withdrawal

  • Acne, particularly when it affects the face, incites barbarous insults from different adolescents.
  • Some think that it hard to form new relations, particularly with opposite sex.


Today, there are numerous powerful acne treatments available. This does not mean that each acne treatment meets expectations for everybody who has acne. But every acne case can be controlled.

Individuals who have mild form of acne have fewer blemishes. They may have blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. Numerous individuals can treat mild form of acne with items that you can purchase without a prescription. A product which contains or salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, helps clears the skin. This definitely does not mean, acne will vanish away overnight.

Home treatments take about 4-8 weeks to make visible improvement. When skin acne clears, you must keep on treating the skin to prevent future breakouts.

Procedures that can treat acne:

Lasers and other light treatments: These devices decrease the post acne bacteria’s. A dermatologist can figure out if this sort of treatment can be useful.

Chemical peels: You can’t purchase the chemical peels that dermatologist’s utilization. Dermatologists use these chemical peels to treat 2 sorts of skin inflammation/acne — clogged pores (blackheads) and papules.

Acne removal: A dermatologist may perform a strategy called “drainage and extraction” for the removal of an expansive acne cyst. This method helps when the cyst does not react to medication. It likewise helps facilitate the pain and the risk that the cyst will leave a scar. In the event that you totally need to get yourself rid of a cyst quickly, the dermatologist may inject medicine in the cyst.

Procedures that can treat acne scars:

  • Dermabrasion: in this procedure the top layer of skin is removed with a wire brush which rotates rapidly. Surface scars may be totally removed, and the deeper acne scars may seem less noticeable.
  • Tissue fillers: in this method, collagen or fat is injected under the skin and into the acne scars which can stretch or fill out the skin, making the scars on the skin less noticeable. Results are not permanent for which you will need to repeat periodically the injections.
  • Laser treatments: In laser revamping, a laser beam is used to annihilate (remove) the external layer of skin. With the healing of the skin, which takes about one to one a half week, new skin forms. Laser treatments which are less intense tend to cause less damage to the skin but are also less effective.
  • Other energy-based procedures: Radiofrequency gadgets and pulsed light sources help in creating a new skin without harming the external layer of skin. After a few treatments, scars may seem less noticeable.
  • Surgery: in some cases, the only alternative to remove acne scars is surgery. A minor technique, called punch excision, cuts out individual scars of acne. Skin graft or stitches then help in repairing the holes left on the scar site.

A dermatologist can help you decide between which treatment is most suitable for your skin. consulting a good dermatologist will surely help a lot.

Acne treatment that works all through the body: Medicine that works all through the body may be important when you have red, swollen sorts of an acne. This sort of treatment is generally important to treat cysts and nodules. Your dermatologist may recommend one or a greater amount of these:

  • Anti-biotic (serves to eliminate bacteria and reduce inflammation).
  • Conception prevention pills and other medicines which deal with the hormones (can be useful for females).
  • Isotretinoin (the only treatment that deals with all that causes acne to occur).


 Natural acne treatment option:


Zinc in moisturizers and creams may diminish acne breakouts.

Green tea extract:

A moisturizer of 2 percent green tea concentrate helped lessen skin break out (acne) in two studies conducted on young people (adolescents) and young adults who had mild to moderate acne.

Aloe Vera:

A 50 percent aloe vera gel was mixed with a conventional drug for acne (tretinoin) and tried for eight weeks on 60 individuals with moderate acne. The mix methodology was fundamentally more compelling than tretinoin alone.

Azelaic acid:

This naturally occurring acid is found in whole-grain cereals and animal products. It has antibacterial properties. A 20 percent azelaic acid cream seems to be as effective as many other conventional acne treatments when used twice a day for at least four weeks. It’s even more effective when used in combination with erythromycin. Prescription azelaic acid (Azelex, Finacea) is an option during pregnancy and while breast-feeding.

Tea tree oil:

Gels which contain 5 percent tea tree oil may be as viable as are creams which contain 5 percent benzoyl peroxide, despite the fact that tea tree oil may work all the more gradually. Conceivable reactions include contact dermatitis and, in the event that you have rosacea (which is a common disorder, mainly affecting face skin. It causes redness on the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. Over time, the redness on skin can become even more intense, which takes on a ruddy appearance. Blood vessels might become visible), its symptoms could get worse. One study conducted on a young boy reported that he experienced bosom advancement in the wake of utilizing a mix lavender and tea tree oil hair item. Tea tree oil ought to be utilized just topically.

Azelaic corrosive:

This acid occurs naturally and is found in animal products and whole grain cereals. It has antibacterial properties. It’s considerably more viable when utilized erythromycin combination. Remedy azelaic acid (Azelex, Finacea) is an alternative during pregnancy and also while breat feeding.

Alpha hydroxy acid:

This is a natural acid, which is found in citrus fruits and other foods. At the point when it is applied on to the skin, alpha hydroxy acid helps in removing dead skin cells and unclogs the pores. It might likewise help in improving the acne scars appearance. Side effects it can cause are; an increase in sensitivity to the sun, skin irritation, redness and mild stinging.

Brewer’s yeast:

A particular strain of brewer’s yeast, called CBS 5926, seems to have helped in decreasing the acne. Brewer’s yeast is one of the only items included in the list which is taken orally. It might cause flatulence.

Bovine cartilage: Creams which contain 5 percent of bovine cartilage, when applied twice a day on to the affected skin, may be powerful in reducing the acne.

Get rid of your acne using these simple home remedies:

Cucumber has proven to be very effective for treating acne. It helps in improving the health and complexion of your skin. Apply fresh cut slices of cucumber on to  the affected areas to smoothening and curing the skin. Cucumber juice is also good treatment for removing the dark spots. Use cotton balls to apply cucumber juice. Leave it on to your skin for 20 minutes and then rinse it off. Do it daily or on alternate days and the difference it brings to your skin, will surely amaze you.

Honey is good for speeding up the healing process of the pimples. It also helps in preventing infections. Apply honey on affected areas using cotton swabs. Leave it onto your skin for 30 minutes and then rinse it off using lukewarm water.

Lemon is rich in vitamin C. It will help a lot in getting rid of pimples. Mix rose water and lemon juice in equal amounts and wash the affected skin with it.

Lemon juice when mixed with a bit of yogurt also has proven to help in treatment of acne.

Note: People who have a dry skin should avoid using lemon for acne treatment.

Oranges are also highly rich in vitamin C and helps in the growth of healthy new cells, keeping overall condition of the skin much better. Take about 2 orange peels and blend them. Add to them a little water and then create a paste. Do not add too much water at once as it can make mixture runny. Apply this paste to the affected areas for aboit 20- 25 minutes and then wash it off. Don’t forget to apply a good moisturizer afterwards.

Banana peel contains lutein which is considered a powerful antioxidant. It helps in reducing inflammation and swelling and also encourages in the healthy growth of cells. Take one banana peel and rub it onto your face in circular motion. Once your entire face is covered, leave it on for about half an hour. Then wash it off.

It helps a lot in reducing redness caused by acne.

Tomatoes are considered high in antioxidants and help in healing of acne scars. Apply tomato juice onto the problematic area just once a week. Access use of tomatoes can result in dryness.

Note: Those people who have a dry skin should not use tomatoes on the skin to treat their acne.

Egg is also good in treating acne. Swipe your finger into the egg white and then apply it onto the problematic area. Leave it onto your skin for as long as you possibly can.

These acne treatments can also be done if you have grade one or grade two acne. Other acne problems need to be treated by consulting a dermatologist.

Should I see a doctor?

Mild to moderate acne usually goes away in about four to six weeks with the utilization of drugstore gels, cleansers and creams that contain benzoyl peroxide and/or salicylic acid. But stubborn and more severe cases of acne require the expertise of a dermatologist.

You will not have to see a specialist on the off chance that you can control your acne by delicately washing your skin with cleanser or by utilizing creams or lotions that you can purchase at the supermarket or drug store.


You may need to see a specialist for your acne if:


  • Home treatment does not work and your acne deteriorates.


  • Your pimples are large and hard or loaded with liquid. This is called cystic skin break out.


  • You abstain from going out on dates or to gatherings.


  • You feel humiliated or discouraged on account of skin break out.


You may need to see a specialist sooner if one or both of your folks had serious skin break out and scarring.


9 Best Drugstore Acne Products to use:

  1. Kiss My Face Break Out – (Botanical Acne Gel). It is applauded as, this fresh fluid gel for its fragile scent and the pleasant cooling sensation it has on skin.
  2. Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Stress Control Power-Clear Scrub. It has a creamy consistently which tingles and also exfoliates nicely.
  3. Neutrogena Rapid Clear Acne Defense Face Lotion. This is an acne defense lotion, which is extra effective when it is applied before bed.
  4. Yes To Tomatoes Acne Daily Pore Scrub. This is a gentle scrub which smells garden-fresh and is perfect for daily use.
  5. Clean & Clear Advantage Mark Treatment. This product definitely reduces acne and dark spots.
  6. Clearasil Ultra Deep Pore Cleansing Pads. These pads have a fresh smell and fast action.
  7. L.F. Zit Zapper. This zit zapper effectively targets the trouble spots, removes redness and also helps getting rid of zits fast.
  8. Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub. This is gently enough to be used every day.
  9. Bye Bye Blemish Drying Lotion. This is considered as one of the best products to be used by acne patients.

How to prevent acne:

Acne prevention is not possible but you can always make efforts to keep your acne from getting worse.

  • Wash your face gently every day. Do not scrub and avoid washing your face more than twice a day with soap. If required clean your face with water only. In summers especially try washing your face with water after sometime and do not let dirt stay on face for long.
  • Keep your hair off your face as oil hair can cause skin irritation.
  • Most important avoid toughing your face too often. Dirty hand can transfer bacteria to your face causing acne to worsen.
  • Do not expose your skin to harsh chemicals and oils, such as petroleum.
  • Wear sunscreen whenever leaving home.
  • Avoid picking or squeezing your blemishes as it can result in scarring and infection.

Waiting for the acne to clear all alone can be disappointing. Without treatment, acne can result in permanent scars, anxiety, depression and low self esteem.

Dermatologists suggest that individuals treat acne. At the point when the skin clears, treatment ought to continue. Treatment avoids new breakouts. Your dermatologist can let you know when you probably won’t have to treat acne to prevent the breakouts.

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