How To Brush Your Teeth With Different Types Of Toothbrushes & Flossing

Brushing our teeth is the best method of oral hygiene, as it prevents bacterial plaque from the teeth and protects us from caries or gum problems. Therefore, thanks to the toothbrush, we can maintain a good oral hygiene. Most people think they know how to brush their teeth correctly, however, specialists mention that more than 70% of the population does it mechanically without being aware of what true and proper oral hygiene means. In this way, brushing the teeth is one of the most important parts of hygiene and personal care. Most dentists recommend brushing and flossing at least 2 times a day, although sometimes we find it hard to do it, whether it’s work, college or because we’re on the road. So, for this we will tell you how to brush your teeth as the correct brushing of teeth is essential to improve your oral health.

For brushing to have a positive effect on our oral health, it is essential that you make it a daily routine and for this, it is best to brush our teeth after each meal. In short, having a proper brushing of our teeth is very important to have a clean denture and good oral hygiene, so here we tell you how to brush your teeth properly.


Types of toothbrushes:

Conventional: it is commonly used and has 3 to 4 strips of bristles.

Periodontal: also known as cellular one. It has two strips of bristles. It is used in cases of gingival inflammation and deep periodontal furrows. It is also recommended in children with fixed orthodontics.

Electric has 3 types of horizontal movement, alternating, vertical arched or vibratory. It is especially useful for people with disabilities. Its effectiveness is the same as a conventional brush.

Interproximal: they are a plume for the interdental spaces. It is recommended for people who have greater spaces between tooth and tooth.

Having a healthy smile is very simple. Do not forget to brush for more than 2 minutes and to finish using the mouthwash of your preference. This way you will avoid visiting the dentist for a strong toothache. Take care of your oral hygiene!

How to brush your teeth:

We will tell you that how to brush your teeth, and that too in detail, continue reading;

Using fluoride toothpaste:

This element is very advisable to prevent decay, as it can confer great benefits to the teeth. It helps increase the resistance of the enamel, acts against the growth of bacteria that promote tartar and, in addition, works as an antibacterial.

Brush twice a day:

It is very important to brush your teeth at least twice a day and, as much as possible, keep this habit very constant. The time that you dedicate to the brushing of your teeth is very careful since it is recommended 30 seconds for each section of your mouth: upper right, upper left, lower right and lower left. This will take two minutes to brush.

Start with the most difficult areas:

It is normal to show more care when we begin to brush, which is why it is recommended to start brushing the back of the denture, as it is the part where your access presents the greater difficulty, so we make sure that the area will be clean.

To brush correctly:

It is best to tilt the brush about 45 degrees so that the bristles on the top can reach the edge between the gum and the tooth. From this position drag the brush through all the teeth ensuring that the internal part is cleaned, as well as the chewing zone at the end of the denture.

Do not rinse with too much water:

The longer the fluoride in contact with the enamel of our teeth, the greater its effect, so it is advisable to rinse with the right amount of water, thus leaving residues of fluoride in the teeth and you can start to make its effect.


It is very important to use dental floss to eliminate any remaining that can be left to brush, which are usually the parts where the brush does not reach. All you have to do is cut a piece of yarn and roll the ends into your fingers and insert it into the interdental space, slide the silk very gently up and down until you reach the gum. Also, passing the brush very gently on the tongue is very important, because it helps to eliminate bacteria that are lodged therein, and with it, you will maintain a very fresh breath.

Suitable brush:

It is essential to know how to choose the right type of brush for your mouth, your dentist can guide you about some options if the case requires it, ideally use a soft bristle brush. Remember to change it every three or four months or when the bristles begin to wear out.

How to properly brush the teeth:

  1. To brush the external face of the teeth, place the brush horizontally and make a vertical movement, from top to bottom, in both the lower and upper teeth.
  2. To clean the inner face of the teeth, brush from the gum outwards. Lay the brush horizontally and sweep it out.
  3. The area of ​​chewing zone is characterized by small grooves where the plaque is installed; therefore special attention should be paid to the time of brushing. It performs circulatory movements so that the bristles penetrate the fissures of the molars, both in the upper and lower ones.

However, it is not only necessary to have a good toothbrush or a good toothpaste, if you do not have a good brushing technique, since it is often better to brush without even toothpaste, the important thing is to make sure that we eliminate The bacterial plaque that is the cause of caries and the periodontal diseases . It is necessary to instruct children from a young age to brush their teeth after each meal, but especially before bedtime, making them believe the habit of oral hygiene. Do not forget to make regular visits to the dentist, since he can detect any abnormality that we may not perceive with the naked eye.

More recommendations for how to brush your teeth:

  • Use dental brushes with soft nylon bristles, as these provide better oral cleaning. In addition, these types of bristles do not damage the enamel of your teeth.
  • It is recommended to change your toothbrush every three months. However, it is not the rule. When you realize that the tips of the bristles are bent and open out, it is time to change brush.

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